Welcome to the 5th NY website. We are a group of Living History Re-enactors portraying a regiment from the Hudson River Valley. Our goal is to bring forth in a fun and educational manner the daily lives, hardships and victories of our Revolutionary War forefathers for all to garner a better understanding of who we are and how we got here.

The Fishkill Historical Society owns and operates the Van Wyck Homestead Museum which is a colonial era house that was first built in 1732 and has been in the same place in Fishkill since then. The house was used by the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War as the Officer’s Quarters for the Fishkill Supply Depot. The Fishkill Supply Depot was a key strategic center of the American Revolution, established and visited repeatedly by George Washington. The Depot was one of three major encampments along with Morristown and Valley Forge.

The East Fishkill Historical Society is committed to safeguarding the cultural heritage of the Hudson Valley, particularly East Fishkill, through the restoration, preservation and interpretation of its Dutch colonial farmhouse and its collection of local material culture. Through education, the Society hopes to develop and foster an understanding of East Fishkill's history, while encouraging the community to appreciate and care for East Fishkill's past, present and future.

Melzingah Chapter has been recognized as one of the most active in New York State, and the nation. We have welcomed more than 50 new members in the last few years, some of whom live in southern Dutchess County, and others who have ties to our chapter but live outside the area. We enjoy sharing the benefits of DAR membership, recognizing that we have a responsibility to ensure that the freedoms won by our ancestors are appreciated by Americans of today and tomorrow.

Mount Gulian is a reconstructed 18th century Dutch manor house on the Hudson River in the ... The site is registered as a National Historic Landmark.

Visit the nation's first publicly owned historic site and tour the rooms where American history was made. In the critical months that General George Washington spent at Newburgh, he made some of his most important contributions to shaping the American republic.

Valley Forge was the site of the 1777-78 winter encampment of the Continental Army. The 3,500-acres of monuments, meadows, and woodlands commemorate the sacrifices and perseverance of the Revolutionary War generation. The park honors and celebrates the ability of citizens to pull together and overcome adversity during extraordinary times