Operating in a stealth mode that included failure to communicate intentions with a local preservation organization, a bulldozer under the direction of Royal Carting Service Company and with permission from the Town of East Fishkill (Dutchess County) destroyed the remnants of the historic Griffin's Tavern during early April.

Royal Carting must be feeling a little heat from the Tavern destruction now that Evelyn has been responding to news articles, sending out letters to former customers, and replying to criticism on search engines where Patriots have called them out for destroying this historic site.
#RoyalCarting #GriffinsTavern #RoyalCartingDestroysHistoricSite #PanichiFakeNews #VeteransForPreservation #FishkillPatriot #FishkillSupplyDepotHistoricSite #FSDHS
I was reading all of the comments and looking at all of the pictures posted online in remembrance of the Kent State shooting that took place 50 years ago yesterday, and could not help but think how that single historical event finally put an end to a very long and unpopular war. Will the destruction of the Griffins Tavern signal the end to the Royal Carting business? In time we will find out, but I can certainly do my part by cancelling my service with them, which I will be doing next week. For Royal Carting, a company that has been in business locally for many years, it was such a disgrace to see what they did to this wonderful…
Several people have contacted us after the demolition of the tavern, asking who they can switch their garbage services too. The main company that is THE alternative to Royal Carting is the Recycle Depot which does waste management differently, as they actually respect our environment by the way they conduct waste management processes.
They are a family run local business, and they offer a Veterans discount!
Well that was sneaky and unnecessary destruction of one of our locally treasured historic sites. I will be sure to voice my displeasure with them, and I will switching my garbage service too! Something I would suggest to draw negative attention to Royal Carting as well as those responsible within the Town of East Fishkill would be to set up an online petition to draw attention to what was done to the Tavern. Also it may draw support financially and politically to rebuilding the tavern. The FOFSD started a petition 3 years ago to "save the depot", and it currently has almost 70,000 signatures.
Here is a link to the original article. I reached out to the author and thanked him for covering this subject. Fortunately he is also a historian and provided us with some tips going forward for the FSDHS. We may have gained some allies out of this unfortunate event...
The more views and "likes" this article receives, the more likely that similar articles supporting preservation will be published (and the more support will be given to future Griffen's Tavern).